About us

Spitzenklasse S.R.L. is a limited liability company incorporated in Romania, registered with the Bucharest Trade Register under number J40/8156/2023, and assigned the unique registration code (CUI) RO48085800. Founded in 2023, the company’s objective is to invest in and provide a varied range of businesses, products, and services, aiming for global expansion and presence. We take pride in owning the Pufoșii Mei brand, which offers a range of pet products and accessories.

At Spitzenklasse S.R.L. our goal is to provide products and services of the highest quality, with customer satisfaction as our foremost priority.

Our activities:

– Retail trade.

– Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.

– Non-specialized wholesale trade.

– Activities of central directorates, centralized administrative offices, Public relations and communication consultancy activities, Business and management consultancy activities.

Our Mission

To inspire the world with vision, purpose, and style by providing customers with the finest service, selection, quality, and value.

Our Vision

To secure and sustain a leading position in our selected business domains, we aim to consistently generate new opportunities for growth within our strategic operations.

Our Core Values

We value quality, equality, diversity, and sustainability, uphold our commitments, and focus on identifying and investing in growth, development, and innovation.

Because We

We implement sustainable business practices to lessen our environmental footprint and decrease our reliance on non-renewable resources.

Spitzenklasse Logo

A quote from a Brand Ambassador

Spitzenklasse S.R.L is Your Local Partner with a Global Vision. Managing Director

Customer Reviews

PM-Stefan and Ruxy cats

We are extremely satisfied with 'Pufoșii Mei' cat litter because it totally absorbs and eliminates unpleasant odors. Also, our 2 adult male cats liked to use it even from the first time. It is very easy to remove the used litter, and we didn't require more than two bags per month. Most notably, considering we have two adult male cats, the litter manages to contain odors even if we didn't clean the litter box for two days! We highly recommend it!

Stefan And Ruxandra


"I purchased and utilized this product. I am satisfied with its quality and noticed a difference when my cats began using it. Compared to the previous cat litter I purchased before, this one absorbs effectively and prevents unpleasant odors in the house. I highly recommend it."


Pufoșii Mei Logo


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PM-cat litter 24

Social Network Posts

This is a gallery to showcase images from our recent social media posts on Facebook and LinkedIn:

Contact us

Spitzenklasse S.R.L

Head Office Address: Aleea Florin Ciungan Nr. 17, Bloc: C1, Etaj: 3, Apt: 26, Sector 3, Bucuresti 031825, Romania.

Address Working Point: 31 Călărașilor Street, Sat. Răzvani, Oraș Lehliu-Gară, Jud. Călărași 915302., Romania.

Email: [email protected] (The maximum response time is 1-2 working days).

Phone: +40731867026.

Program: Monday-Friday 09:00 – 17:00


All Rights Reserved © 2024 Spitzenklasse S.R.L,

Reg. Com. J04/8156/2023, CIF: RO48085800